Monday, June 7, 2010

China As A Model For Change

The Chinese government has used eminent domain for large scale urban renewal projects to house it's hundreds of millions of new urban dwellers. San Francisco has much fewer people to worry about, but large scale change is in order for the Tenderloin and SOMA.

To change our view of China might be best for then we may accept some of their methods. A liberal city like San Francisco would surely do a better job after eminent domain evicts long term owners from their property.

San Francisco is so liberal it's conservative in it's city planning. A revolutionary concept is to take away the rights of property owners in the corridors of development and then emphasize rights in the new developments. Liberalism goes through cycles. It's time to get rid of what's in the way.

May Mayor Gavin Newsom use his power to bring change through Eminent Domain.

A Hutong in Beijing, China.

Beijing 2010

Undeveloped Shanghai - 1990's

CCIS Study Abroad in Shanghai, China
Shanghai 2010

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