Monday, June 7, 2010

Housing and Motels in The Tenderloin

Single Room Occupancy Hotels can be ugly and support ugly lifestyles.

Eminent Domain and New Zoning Laws should be used to consolidate the presence of single room occupancy hotels where live many of the transients and drug addicts who bring blight to the community.

Motels in the Tenderloin should be removed to build housing and businesses more suitable for the Civic Center and Mid-Market area.

Single Occupancy Hotels can be turned into youth hostels. A safe and cultural rich travelers row should be developed.

Many single occupancy hotels should be razed to end the tradition of illegal and skid row type living.

The spirit of the endeavor should include a sense of humor and an impression that the structure of the Tenderloin creates much of the problem and many locals will be gentrified by the changes.


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